How To Get Dirty White Towels White Again

When it comes to keeping white towels white, it can sometimes seem like a never-ending battle. No matter how many times you wash them, they just don't seem to look as bright as they once did. However, there are several methods you can try to help get your dirty white towels white again. DZee Home tells you the right method so keep reading!

What You Need 


Bleach is a powerful whitening agent that can help restore the brightness of your white towels. If your towels are bleach-safe, add bleach to your wash cycle according to the instructions on the bleach bottle. However, be sure to use the appropriate amount of bleach for the load size and type of washer. It's also important to remember to never use chlorine bleach on any of our Belem towels as it can majorly damage the towels. 


Adding white vinegar to your wash cycle can help break down stubborn stains and brighten whites. To use vinegar as a whitening agent, add half a cup of white vinegar to your wash cycle along with your detergent. The vinegar will help neutralize any lingering odors and break down any buildup that may be causing your towels to look dull.

Baking Soda

To use baking soda as a whitening agent, add half a cup of baking soda to your wash cycle along with your detergent. Baking soda can help neutralize odors and break down any buildup that may be causing your towels to look dull.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful stain remover that can help remove stubborn stains and brighten whites. To use hydrogen peroxide as a whitening agent, add half a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your wash cycle along with your detergent. The hydrogen peroxide will help break down any stains that may be causing your towels to look dingy and brighten them up.


Sunlight is a natural bleaching agent that can help naturally bleach and brighten your white towels. Hang your towels outside in direct sunlight to allow the sun's rays to work their magic. Be sure to flip your towels over so both sides get exposure to the sun. This method may take a bit longer than using a whitening agent in your wash cycle, but it's a great natural alternative that won't harm your towels or the environment.

Belem towels are also quick-drying and prone to staying refreshed and high-quality despite being out in the sun!

Extra Preventive Methods You Need To Know

In addition to these whitening methods, there are also some preventative measures you can take to help keep your white towels looking their best. Here are a few tips to help you maintain bright white towels:

Separate your laundry

Separate your whites from your colored clothes when doing laundry. Washing whites with dark or colored clothes can cause bleeding or transfer of color, leading to dingy-looking whites.

Use the right amount of detergent

Using too much detergent can lead to buildup on your towels, which can cause them to look dull and dingy. Use the recommended amount of detergent for your load size and type of washer.

Don't overload the washer

Overloading your washer can prevent your towels from getting clean and bright. Be sure to follow the recommended load size for your washer.

Use warm water

Using warm water can help break down dirt and stains on your towels, leading to brighter, cleaner-looking whites. 

Don't use fabric softener

Fabric softener can leave a residue on your towels, causing them to lose their absorbency and look dull. Instead, use white vinegar as a natural fabric softener alternative. Simply add half a cup of white vinegar to your rinse cycle to help soften your towels without leaving behind any residue.

Wash towels separately

Washing towels separately from other laundry can help prevent buildup and keep them looking bright and fresh. This is especially important if you use fabric softener on your other laundry, as the residue can transfer to your towels and cause them to lose their absorbency.

Don't over-dry

Over-drying your towels can cause them to lose their fluffiness and look dull. Be sure to remove your towels from the dryer as soon as they are dry or slightly damp to prevent over-drying.

Order a white towel now!

Whiten Your Belem Towels With Ease

By taking these preventative measures and using one of the whitening methods mentioned above, you can help restore the brightness of your white towels and keep them looking their best for longer. To get your own Belem towels, visit our website or contact us now!

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